MCA Distance Course Jaipur National University JNU

About MCA Course :

Currently, Distance learning MCA is one of the most widespread courses and there cannot be a better choice than to pursue it from Jaipur National University as it offers an elastic course structure permitting working professionals to complete their education making it suitable for them. MCA from Jaipur National University distance learning is best MCA Course in India.

The future potential of Distance Learning MCA is ever increasing. It covers various subjects like: – Programming Languages, Mathematics accounting, which make perceptions like IT tools and applications clear to the aspirants. MCM Academy Offer Correspondence MCA course that experts you in fields like system designing, system administration, enterprise resource planning, application software development, web designing and many more.




Graduation in Computer Application Pass out


Min 2 yrs and Max 4 yrs.
Min 1 yrs and Max 2 yrs. (For lateral entry)

Features of MCA Course :

  • Programming in C++ & Java.
  • System Examination and Design.
  • Fundamentals of Computer and IT.
  • Algorithm Examination and Design.
  • Technical, specialized and communications skills.
  • Web technologies and innovative Software Engineering.

Eligibility Criteria :

Bachelor’s Degree any discipline or its equivalent.

Adjacent Entry:

Students who have succeeding qualifications can straightly join in  MCA Second Year through Lateral Entry  &  have passed DOEACC ‘A” level, BCA, B. Sc (IT), B. Sc (CS), B. Tech (IT), PGDCA etc. and also aspirants have the subsequent course will be registered directly in the MCA 3rd Year ADCA / M.Sc. (CS) / M.Sc. (IT) from any recognized University

Programe Structure

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. MCA – 101 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science 4
2. MCA – 102 Computer and ‘C’ Programming 4
3. MCA – 103 Computer Organization and Architecture 4
4. MCA – 104 Data Base Management System 4
5. MCA – 105 Accounting and Financial Management  4
6. MCA – 106 P C Software 4
7. MCA – 107 Programming in C Lab 2
8. MCA – 108 DBMS Lab 2

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. MCA – 201 Data Structure Using ‘C’ 4
2. MCA – 202 Computer Oriented Numerical and Statistical Techniques 4
3. MCA – 203 Operating System 4
4. MCA – 204 Data Communication & Computer Networks 4
5. MCA – 205 Environmental Science 4
6. MCA – 206 Software Engineering 4
7. MCA – 207 Data Structures Using C Language Lab 2
8. MCA – 208 Numerical & Statistical Techniques Lab 2

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. MCA – 301 Object Oriented Programming  4
2. MCA – 302 System Analysis and Design 4
3. MCA – 303 Computer Graphics 4
4. MCA – 304 Artificial Intelligence 4
5. MCA – 305 Design and Analysis of Algorithm 4
6. MCA – 306 (Dot) . Net Framework (Using C#) 4
7. MCA – 307 Object Oriented Programming Lab 2
8. MCA – 308 DAA Lab 2

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. MCA – 401 Theory of Computation 4
2. MCA – 402 Advanced Java Programming 4
3. MCA – 403 Web Technology 4
4. MCA – 404 Computer Based Optimization Techniques 4
5. MCA – 405 Microprocessor  Design and Assembly Language 4
6. MCA – 406 Advanced Java Programming Lab 2
7. MCA – 407 Web Technology Lab 2
8. MCA – 408 Project Report 12

Internal Assignment:

The internal assignment shall be of 30 marks. Two assignments will be given in each course.

Term End Examination:

There will also be a term end examination at the end of the minimum duration of the study i.e. one year.

Download Syllabus : Syllabus MCA

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