BCA Distance Learning Jaipur National University, JNU

bca jnu jaipur distance learning mode

BCA Distance Learning From Jaipur National University, JNU

Objectives of Doing BCA Course :  

  • To convey computer education and boost knowledge about computer subjects.
  • To make the aspirants suitable for admission in higher courses like M.S.C, MCA, etc.
  • To grow better assistances leading to self-development and employability in computer application.
  • To elevate the professional skills and knowledge to empower them to work as teachers, programmers, analysts etc.

After attaining the Bachelor’s Degree (BCA), there is additional educational opportunity to go for an MCA or Master’s Program at any University. Similarly, after completing BCA Program, a student should be able to get jobs in the field of Information Technology or ITES.



Eligibility Criteria : 

10+2 passed or corresponding in any discipline from any standard Board

Course Duration :

Minimum 3 years; Maximum 6 years

Programe Structure

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. BCA – 101 Introduction to Problem Solving using ‘C 3
2. BCA – 102 Fundamentals of Computers and PC Tools 3
3. BCA – 103 Elementary Mathematics 3
4. BCA – 104 Digital Electronics 3
5. BCA – 105 English-I 3
6. BCA – 106 C Programming Lab 2
7. BCA – 107 Office Automation Tool Lab 2

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. BCA – 201 Database Management 3
2. BCA – 202 Discrete Mathematics 3
3. BCA – 203 Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures 3
4. BCA – 204 HTML Programming 3
5. BCA – 205 Environment Science 3
6. BCA – 206 Database Management System Lab 2
7. BCA – 207 Data Structures Using ‘C’ Lab 2

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. BCA – 301 Operating System 3
2. BCA – 302 OOPS Using C++ 3
3. BCA – 303 Software Engineering 3
4. BCA – 304 Computer Networks 3
5. BCA – 305 Software Engineering Lab 2
6. BCA – 306 Operating Systems Lab 2
7. BCA – 307 OOPs Using C++ Lab 2

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. BCA – 401 Computer Architecture 3
2. BCA – 402 Programming in Java 3
3. BCA – 403 Internet and Web Design 3
4. BCA – 404 System Administration and Maintenance 3
5. BCA – 405 System Administration and Maintenance Lab 2
6. BCA – 406 Java Programming Lab 2
7. BCA – 407 Internet and Web Design Lab 2

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. BCA – 501 Multimedia Applications 3
2. BCA – 502 Programming in .NET 3
3. BCA – 503 Data Mining 3
4. BCA – 504 Android Programming 3
5. BCA – 505 Android Programming Lab 2
6. BCA – 506 Multimedia (FLASH as a multimedia SAV) Lab 2
7. BCA – 507 .NET Programming Lab 2

Sr. No. Paper Code Paper Title Credits
1. BCA – 601 PHP Programming 3
2. BCA – 602 Cloud Computing 3
3. BCA – 603 Software Testing Concepts 3
4. BCA – 604 ‘R’ Programming 3
5. BCA – 605 PHP Lab 2
6. BCA – 606 Software Testing Lab 2
7. BCA – 607 Project Work 2

Career After Doing BCA from JNU :

Candidates can apply in massive areas after completing BCA for like: – Networking Industry, Computer Industry, Programming etc.

Internal Assignment :

The internal assignment of BCA Distance course will be of 30 marks. Two assignments will be given in each course. It will be submitted to the concerned IGC for forward submission to the University. Marks Gained in assignments will be shown distinctly in the Mark sheet. In Project Report Writing there will be no Internal Assignment.

Term-End-Examination :-

There will be a term-end-examination at the end of the minimum duration of the study i.e. one year. It transmits a weightage of 70% marks. It will be detained in the month of June and December every year.

Download Syllabus of BCA

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